Thursday, February 11, 2010

i'm going up there. theres just something mysterious/slightly forbidden about it. i'm not supposed to be there but its just so goddam tempteing. I couldn't quite manage it tonight but soon... Maybe tomorrow. I don't know. I'm just a little too tired tonight. It might be the alcohol, I'm kind of drunk and climbing six stories of scaffolding in my current exhausted state is just a bit too daunting but the allure is definitely there. after scoping it out (I climbed to the second level from which I could walk over to view rue amelot from above) only instilled in me more desire to follow though and see where I can get at the top. For some reason Paris seems to me to be about the rooftops. Someting about being above it all, the quotidien, the streets, the tourists, all of it. If I could only transend it all.... Become something more, or at least reach above it all to perhapse get a glimpse of what its like. What its like fromm a different perspective, the birds eye view holds something infinietely appealing to me. We'll have to wait and see.....

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Au Début

In the beginning, there was nothing. Pretty soon this became boring so, out of nothing, a round ball of rock came into existence with a "pop!" and the earth was born. For the next 4.5 odd billion years times were tough. Tectonic plates shifted, species came and went, but in general, Earth seemed like a pretty banal place. Everything changed however on a breezy summer day in the year 1989 AD.